December. 4. 2007 (the business investors daily supplied of Newstex) — nasdaq turned lower after the moderate morning gains and closed with a 0,9% loss Monday. The volume, which was dropped as large investors, stepped aside. Although nasdaq retrogressive securities led advancing expenditures by more than 2-to-1, somewhat prominent collected stocks on strong volume. Decker outside DECORATING jumped 9,91 to 154.08. This left, which the manufacturer from Ugg and other footwear 4% over the point 18om up-load with 147.79 purchases a Pullback from its 10woechigen long-term average value of a share. It pressed also portions to a recording height. Fertilizer and InsektenvertilgunGSMittelhersteller UAP of getting thing UAPH jumped 8,37 to 38,28, after Calgary created Agrium AGU said that it would buy the company for $2,16 billion. The 28% jump left UAP, which admits in October 2004 became, good in record area. Thinly acted telephone of the country removed confidence (nasdaq:TELOZ) TELOZ jumped 2,63 to 27. The producer bite size of the oil and the natural gas four-fold place of income gains for three straight quarters after a five-quarter of dia. nailed. China-created line and cable product manufacturer Fushi international (nasdaq:FSIN) FSIN ear-basic above for a second day, 2,53 to 19,18 adding. The company announced Friday, which it had been appointed the committee, to that concerning laws and the regulations is caused national standards wiring of China. Synchronoss technologies SNCR jumped 3,55 to 36.47. The movement added another plank, which the right side of a dish-shaped lower surface could be. stock a steep 41% repaired and confront to resistance at its 10woechigen long-term average value of a share. Seeinsurance specialist Nautiker group (nasdaq:NAVG) of NAVG bordered up 1,16 to 59.86. The movement began the fifth week of a possible lower surface, as stock continues examining support at its 10woechigen line. BluePhoenix solutions BPHX won 0,55, or 3%, until $35 million of a privatplazierung would use 18,75, after the company said it, in order to withdraw itself debt. The Israel-created servicer of the information technology services can form a new lower surface, after it repaired 35% as much how. BluePhoenix has the best relative price strength evaluation of stocks 62 in the computer computer Techservice group. On the lower surface main header Zoltek ZOLT lower up and closed with a loss from 1.36 to 41.26. The company is used the prominent manufacturer carbon of the fiber, in order to form turbine blades for wind energy of systems. stock seems to form a doubling lower surface lower surface. Newstex identification: IBD-0001-21397643
Originally publishes in December 4, 2007 version of the daily paper business investors.
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